Your fitness success depends on so many factors. Your consistency and dedication to a program, your willingness to work your hardest and the quality of advice you received are some of those factors. However, for long term success, education is the key factor to help you attain lifelong fitness. Education and information can lead you to make wiser decisions whether working out in the gym or at home on your own.
Teach a man to fish and he will eat a lifetime.
That’s what education does. Learning how your body works, what helps you become fitter and ways to solve fitness problems may not seem like the information you receive at other gyms or even from many trainers, but it’s valuable information that should be part of your workout program. As you build your body, you should be building your knowledge so you have a lifetime of fitness.
Know your body and listen to it’s signals.
When you know your body and how it works, you know when it’s trying to tell you something important. Learning the signs of a problem can help prevent further injury. Identifying your limit can help you work toward it and eventually beyond it safely. When you know how your body works and the muscles necessary to do each task, you can pinpoint whether a workout is helping.
Learning the benefits of each exercise helps provide motivation.
Too often we hear all the negative things, such as lack of exercise can lead to poor health and lack of flexibility or poor form can lead to injury. Those are scary facts, but they aren’t motivating facts that make you want to work your hardest. They actually do the opposite by creating fear. When you learn the correct way to do each movement and all the benefits it brings,, you’ll look forward to seeing the results. A positive spin on working out can be extremely motivating.
Just because you have a positive spin on working out, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be aware of the dangers of doing exercises incorrectly. That knowledge can keep you on your toes and make certain you pay close attention to form.
When you have the knowledge of how your body works, you’ll be able to help the trainer plan your program by providing great feedback. You’ll reap more benefits from his or her help.
Knowledge of your body can help you identify weaker muscle groups that are doing the work of larger ones. That can spell injury. That knowledge helps you work on the problem and improve your training.
Fitness knowledge includes learning the proper form for each exercise to improve your results safely.