Staying healthy isn’t easy but it’s far easier than getting healthy. Everyone will agree that pre-hab is better than re-hab. Preventing a serious condition is hard. It takes time and dedication. Everyone can point to someone who did everything right and still ended up seriously ill. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It just means they prevented the illness from occurring sooner. Sometimes genetics wins, but it shouldn’t stop you from trying to get the upper edge. People who workout and eat healthy may not be able to avoid all illness, but they may be able to bounce back quicker and make it less lethal.
Working out can help prevent serious conditions.
There are so many studies that show that working out can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and even some forms of cancer. One reason is that it keeps your blood flowing sending oxygen rich nutrients to all parts of the body. When you do weight bearing exercises, it stimulates the production osteoblasts that build bones. After menopause, bones start thinning rapidly, but the right kind of exercise can help slow, prevent or even reverse that process.
Eat healthier and exercise to prevent high blood pressure and clear away plaque.
You have several types of cholesterol in your body, HDL and LDL are two of the primary ones, with triglycerides as another common one measured in health tests. Not all types of cholesterol are bad. HDL carries away LDL and triglycerides and takes them to the liver for processing. When you exercise, you build more HDL to help sweep your arteries clean. It also helps prevent serious heart disease.
Build your immune system with regular exercise.
When you first exercise, you tend to increase the amount of free radicals in your body, but your body responds and starts producing more antioxidants that help fight off toxins that can make you sick by weakening or killing cells. It causes changes in your white blood cells that makes them detect illness and foreign bodies quicker. It also helps flush your airways and lungs of bacteria that can cause illness.
Injuries heal faster when you workout. You’ll also help prevent injuries from falls in the first place by exercising. It helps build balance and flexibility.
Regular exercise can help you live independently longer than you would if you were sedentary.
When you workout with a group, you’re also improving your social life. Studies show that a sense of community and an active social life can help you remain both mentally and physically healthier longer.
You don’t have to workout hard to get the benefits of exercise. Studies show that walking three to five miles a week can be beneficial. You can imagine how great a program of moderate exercise could be.