When does metabolism become a dirty word? For many of us, it happened after turning 35. It was the change in Jessica’s metabolism when she hit 40 that shocked her the most. “Aging added a whole new obstacle to keeping fit and keeping the weight off,” Jessica said.
Jessica, 47 and a mother of three juggles projects between work and graduate school. She feared joining a gym because she felt she would become bored or discouraged. She was also skeptical about investing in a membership that would eventually become meaningless after the New Year’s Resolution mentality phased out.
But Jessica was so attracted to the idea of kettlebells that she couldn’t resist trying them out at at our studio. For two years now, she has been consistently training and has reaped the benefits.
Jessica told us that being older, she has to really work hard at it to see positive results. Fortunately for Jessica, her determination trumps any laziness. “It would have been really hard if I hadn’t been determined to do something about it. Being in shape just by virtue of your age makes you lazy and not appreciative of your overall fitness and health,” she said.
Fifteen months ago Jessica was doing overhead presses with a 10-pound bell — today she’s pressing 20 pounds heavier. Fifteen months ago Jessica was deadlifting 80 pounds — today she’s lifting 64 pounds heavier. Fifteen months ago Jessica didn’t know how to snatch — today she can perform 100 snatches in 5 minutes with a 20-pound bell. That’s some serious power. Her new goal is to perform unassisted pull-ups — we know her results will be impressive.
“I’m fairly sure that I wouldn’t have the strength and stamina for doing all the other things in life that I still need to do. Such as moving my house last summer. I was much more fit and strong — and knew how to properly lift and work with my core. Little things like that have benefits all the time,” Jessica said.
In Jessica’s Words
“ForeverStrong makes you focus on achieving goals incrementally, which is the best and safest way to get there. If it were all given to you overnight — instant gratification — it wouldn’t be as satisfying. I know it was my hard work and effort that resulted in the progression up with weights, reps, new skills, and more.”
“If I didn’t join ForeverStrong, I imagine that I’d still be struggling to maintain my weight solely through cardio and diet. I definitely would not have changed my fat-to-muscle ratio enough to help my metabolism.”
Jessica’s Advice
Jessica knows that strength training is a valuable addition at any stage in life. “ForeverStrong can be life-transforming if given the chance. Don’t be intimidated by it all!” exclaimed Jessica.
Congratulations, Jessica! You are ForeverStrong. You are wise, determined and inspiring. We know the hard work you put into the studio will benefit you for a lifetime.
If you’re looking to add strength training to your routine, but are making the usual excuses of being too busy or too tired…Jessica has been through the same phase. But she realized what she needed to do to make a change in her life and so should you. You heard it from Jessica — strength training is valuable at any stage in life. You can let us help you by calling 301-452-5547 to schedule your complimentary fitness consultation.