When your goal is to have a workout that will help you get slim and successful achievement means a smaller clothing size, you need to insure you’re doing the right things to reach that goal. Of course, most often we all want more from our fitness program than just fitting into smaller clothing, although that’s one way to measure weight loss and muscle development. A good personal trainer will guide you through a program that offers a variety of different fitness benefits.
Of course, you’ll have weight loss and shrink your waist size.
Looking great is a huge motivating force when it comes to fitness. In fact, some people wouldn’t bother with workouts if it didn’t make them look fabulous. You’ll benefit from a workout in a number of ways. Not only does the right type of exercise help you lose weight, it also builds muscle tissue. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat does, so a pound of muscle takes up less space. It’s like comparing the size of container for a pound of steel and a pound of feathers. The container for the steel will be much smaller, just like your body will be after exercising. Even if you never lost a pound, you’ll look far thinner.
You’ll improve your range of motion.
That may not sound very sexy or exciting, but it should. Your range of motion is your flexibility. When you’re more flexible, you’re less likely to get injured doing simple things. You’ll also move with agility and that gives you a younger more sensual appearance. If you love dancing, you’ll really appreciate how much easier you move on the floor.
You’ll have far more endurance.
Exercise is heart healthy and can improve your overall stamina and endurance. You’ll be able to do far more than ever, without stopping to catch your breath or huffing and puffing. Standing and gasping for air isn’t how you want the world to see you, unless it’s after a good workout in the gym. Then it means you’ve put in your best effort and that’s inspiring and attractive. While you may do that at the gym, it helps you to avoid getting winded outside the gym. You’ll be spry enough to tackle stairs with ease and keep up with the best of them.
You’ll live longer, but even better, those extra years will be healthier too. Studies show that for every minute you exercise, you gain an average of seven minutes of life. Exercise helps prevent serious conditions that can shorten your life.
You’ll help keep minor illnesses at bay. Exercise boosts your immune system and helps protect cells. It also helps improve circulation that sends oxygen and nutrient rich blood to all parts of your body.
Exercise helps your complexion look fantastic. You’ll look years younger thanks to the increased circulation.
You’ll sleep better at night when you exercise. Not only does exercise boost your brain power, the extra sleep helps keep your head clear and your mind focused.