When it comes to getting yourself to the gym or practicing healthier eating habits, do you ever just tell yourself you’ll start tomorrow, next Monday, or next month? It’s called procrastination and it’s one of those stories that Chris knows pretty well.
“The body is a wonderful thing.” We couldn’t have said it better than Chris. The body is indeed a wonderful thing, yet it’s all too easy to make excuses and put our wonderful body at the bottom of our priority list.
In the span of six months, we’ve witnessed Chris do such an outstanding job to turn things around for herself. She is committed to a routine and is now focused on her health and physical wellbeing.
Chris’ Challenges
Chris, 49 began experiencing pains that accompanied aging. Her metabolism changed, she hit the highest weight in her life, her knees hurt to walk, her energy level decreased and everything in general just seemed…well, harder. Although Chris was feeling the “blues” when her knees were hurting and her weight increased, her desire to do something about it decreased. Instead of helping herself, she took the familiar route and buried herself in work. And the thing is, Chris is far from lazy. She admits to being a workaholic with a lifelong habit of putting others’ emergencies above her own.
Chris’ Results
Chris started training ForeverStrong in October 2014. Since then, she’s made remarkable progress. Here are the pictures to prove it:
In regard to her strength training, Chris has made dramatic increases. She says she’s been a jock pretty much all her life so when she started with us she was pressing 20 pounds overhead (this is a very strong start). Now she’s pressing 35 pounds!
She started out strong with presses, but couldn’t squat back in October. We progressed her without weight because of her knee issues, but now more than 6 months later she can squat with 50 pounds. She also started deadlifts at 70 pounds and doubled in weight — she can lift 140 pounds today! Go Chris!
In Chris’ Words
“I would never have believed I would ever have full range of motion in my knees ever again. But with strength training, I believe the muscular support to the knee has given me a new lease of life. The weight that has disappeared through common sense, eating and strength work is phenomenal and I feel awesome!… The personalized training plan is simple — not easy — but simple for me to succeed.”
Chris’ Advice
“What are you waiting for? Your life is more important than [your work]. Where is the time for YOU in all of this? Stop making excuses and take the first step because once you do, you just may never look back!”
Congratulations, Chris! You are ForeverStrong and we know YOU won’t be looking back! We have seen you grow into such a strong, determined, and admirable woman!
Stop telling yourself that you’ll start tomorrow because tomorrow may never come. We can help you so give us a call at 301-452-5547 to schedule your complimentary fitness consultation.